Communication...past, present, & future

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Future of Communication

Image a day where copyright is illegal.  Image a day where there are no more newspapers as we know them.  Image a day where our daily interaction doesnt require us to leave the comforts of our home.  These days are drawing closer with the evolution of technology and the power of the internet.  Virtual experiences become more realistic, information is more readily available at our finger tips, and shopping is easier while sitting at your desk than walking around a mall.  We see these changes already today, and with advancements in internet speeds, storage space, and the overall embracing of the digital age, we are moving towards a total digital transition where Second Life becomes more of your "life" experience than "real" life.  It is scary in some ways, and amazing in others.  Movies like The Matrix and Demolition Man have introduced similar ideas about the world and how we interact in this way, and its not an unlikely scenario. is an interesting video explaining the posibilities of our future.

Handheld Projectors

This video talks about handheld projectors that create virtual workspaces on any surface.  The virtual workspaces are no less simple or complex as current multi-user software - there is ownership, sharing, hiding, and uploading.  These projectors allow a user to project onto a wall like a flashlight, revealing what your monitor would normally reveal for you.  The handheld remote allows the user to interact with the objects.  Eventually, this will lead to 3D projections and virtual workspaces that we have seen in movies like star wars!

Global language

Throughout human history, each "tribe" or group of people has developed their own language.  One common factor as well is that a conquered people adopted the language of their new rulers.  As the world continues to shrink via technology, we all leaning towards a singular global community, which some day will adopt or create a universal human language.  Since the only universal language in existance today is math, it would be a great basis to start a global language.  It is only a matter of time before people view languages like english and spanish as courses of study (similar to how we view latin) as opposed to communication languages!

Voice to Text Messages

Everyone uses text messages now, and they are the big fad.  One of the nice thing about them is that you can send a message to a person so they can read it later.  The biggest downfall is that sometimes its slow to type them out especially on a cellphone keypad, as our phones get smaller and smaller (and it seems my hands get bigger and bigger!).  Voice-to-text is not a new concept, but it would be a new concept with a cell phone.  One could simply speak they message, it would convert it to text for them to view, then send!


Telekenis is the practice of using your mind to move or control other objects.  With the increase in science and technology, one day we will be able to move small objects (or switches) with our mind, that control communication devices.  We will be able to communicate without lifting a finger or opening our mouths!

Sign Language becoming a part of the past?

Here is an article done on a kindergarden class of deaf children who do not communicate through sign language. Instead they have cochlear implants that were put on them as infants. They now are able to detect hearing loss in infants and can start the treatment process at an early age. These children can hear and feel vibrations through the teachers microphone and are able to communicate with her through this.

Here is the article to read more about it and to see pictures of the children in the classroom.

The Future of the Landline

Will the landline become a thing of the past in just a few short years? My family has discontinued all use of landline service. We figured, why pay $100 or more for our cell phone service on top of the landline which only gets telemarketing calls? So, since 2006, I have only relied on my cell phone to receive calls and there have been no issues. Now, my entire immediate family has thrown away the landline and use their cell phones as their main form of contact!

Here is a little article I found on the future of landlines.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brain Machine Interface

Communication comes in many forms and isn't limited to speech or writing. What if you just think about what you wanted to do instead? Too lazy to reach for the remote? Just a thought could change that. How about thinking of what you wanted to type? Sure would make writing essays easier. Although lots of frivolous purposes could arise out of Brain Machine Interface Technology, some researchers are hoping that the technology would help people with disabilities to control robotic limbs to help perform everyday tasks.

Read the full article at

Amber Alert

Many of you know about the Amber Alert. Now, with all of our new advances in technology, the Amber Alert can reach millions within the time it takes to send a text message or e-mail. I recently heard about this on the news and thought it was brilliant. Now people can sign up to be notified via text about a missing child in their area. Previous to this you could maybe catch the alert on the news or possibly on the highway billboard, but now you can receive them at any place and any time and time is the most important factor in bringing these children home safely.

Here is the link to the website to find out more about the Amber Alert and about how you can get registered to receive these alerts as well.

You can also see the Lifetime movie created to tell Amber's story. Very good movie.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Communciation from the Future

YES! THAT'S RIGHT! YOU ALL KNOW WHAT IT IS! And we now have the platform for it. Bluetooth and Push To Talk, are laying the foreground for this wonder full piece of communication. I couldn't tell you how many time one of the Captains was saved by such a device!


Consumers are usually fad driven. As for myself I am curious what will be the next wave after MySpace and Facebook. Well what about something a little for interactive? The Alcatel-Lucent Multi-screen Experience is revolutionary and keeps the essence of getting connected like Facebook on the same track. This Network allows users to come and go using any and all points of access usable. They call it My Network. Something to share with you family and friends. Check out their video HERE!

Touch Tag

Imagine teaching your computer how you relate to your habits and environment. Touch Tag is an innovative Product with enormous potential. In short this product reads object you that you would relate to your life. Maybe you activate you email by grabbing your coffee mug, or Call your Husband or Wife with your wedding ring. Currently there are mobile applications for this unique product. If you'd like to find out more check out this website:


While researching futuristic communications, I was completely shock how far out of the box innovators actually went. Check out this site's video as they explain eHealthcare:!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd4w39w3RL8h2VAQAGOJBYA!!?LMSG_CABINET=Bell_Labs&LMSG_CONTENT_FILE=News_Features/News_Feature_Detail_000491.xml

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows for greater connectivity to fixed and/or wireless devices over a secure connection. Many people know this technology in the form of an earpiece which is a wireless and safe way to talk on their cell phone. While the devices may vary in appearance, they maintain a very sci/fi look to them. Bluetooth frees up both hands and allows for a person to fully engage in another activity such as while working or driving. Many cities throughout the U.S. are implicating bans on cell phone use while driving and a handsfree Bluetooth device may be a way to safely talk while obeying the law. Always check local and state policies on specific use.

Cell phones are just one of many application for this technology. Wireless printing, faxing, PDA sychronization, and home appliance linking to a network are some more examples of how Bluetooth can be used.


As if blogs and social networking sites weren't enough; get ready to Twitter ! Twitter is a service used as a communication tool that allows users to post mini blogs of 140 characters or less and keep followers updated about what the user is doing throughout the day. Celebrities and news agencies are already using Twitter to keep others updated. Will you follow next?

Go to to find out the full scoop and sign up

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Newspapers- A Thing of the Past?

I found this article about the projected future of the newspaper. In our area we already know they are suffering because of all the lay-offs they have been doing at the Buck County Courier Times building. I do admit that I do not purchase a newspaper and I get all of my information from the news on TV and the Internet.

I see this as being a good thing because right now we are wasting so much paper and newspapers are only good for ONE DAY!

There is one good reason I like newspapers and that is saving good articles and newspapers from certain dates. I still have the newspaper from Sept. 11, 2001 and all of the ones that followed that day. I thought it would be neat to show my children one day especially because it was my 15th birthday.

Here is the article so you can read more about the new idea they have for newspapers and where they got the idea from! Also, there is a little Q&A with the author of the article and it has some pretty eye opening statements.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lazy phone!!

There are lots of innovative idea’s in the world of telecommunications, however I really like this one. The perCushion seems to facilitate a sense of comfort and control. Your cell phone notifies the digital cushion wirelessly, via Bluetooth and enables you to pick up the call while relaxing on your sofa. Made from cotton velvet with foam inner core the interface allows activation/standby and Bluetooth pairing it also has a built-in microphone and loudspeaker…. Don’t worry the perCushion also comes with a lithium ionic battery that can be charged with the enclosed charger.

Nokia 888

This is the Nokia 888, and it claims to be the icon of the future of communication. It is sleek, simple, and handy. As you can see, it transforms into many shape for your convience, and you can even strap it to your wrist like a watch or clip it onto your clothes. Basically, it will mold into almost any shape.

It consists of a flexible touch screen and a speech recognition system. It is supposed to run on liquid batteries which will enable the flexibility. You can talk without words, but with emotions that can be sent and received by nokia 888 users. It is a totally new idea and extremely unique.

MS research

<a href="" target="_new" title="Career in Computer Science - MS Research">Video: Career in Computer Science - MS Research</a>