Communication...past, present, & future

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Amber Alert

Many of you know about the Amber Alert. Now, with all of our new advances in technology, the Amber Alert can reach millions within the time it takes to send a text message or e-mail. I recently heard about this on the news and thought it was brilliant. Now people can sign up to be notified via text about a missing child in their area. Previous to this you could maybe catch the alert on the news or possibly on the highway billboard, but now you can receive them at any place and any time and time is the most important factor in bringing these children home safely.

Here is the link to the website to find out more about the Amber Alert and about how you can get registered to receive these alerts as well.

You can also see the Lifetime movie created to tell Amber's story. Very good movie.


  1. Amber alert is the best thing that has happend with many happy endings. Amber alert has located missing and kidnapped children. A few years ago was a case when a father kidnapped his 2 children and was only caught because of the help of the amber alert.

  2. This has been a great technological tool. This might be a positive spin for micro-chipping humans in order to help find missing children.

  3. This is great! Good to see that we can take something some important such as the Amber Alert/finding the child, and utilize a convenient technology such as text messaging to alert people in the area of this. I think this will really help out and raise awareness

  4. Some technology is pointless but cool - this has a great concept and could be very usefull.

  5. What I like about the Amber Alert is that you have opt-in. That might change in the future but I like the fact that I can choose to receive these messages. The choice factor is important. I wonder if any members of our class have signed up for this notification because of your post.

  6. amber alerts are a great way to assist officials in finding missing children.sometimes it makes the difference of life or death for a child thats been taken

  7. I consider this to be a great and important advance in technology. It is a great way to involve millions of people to find missing children. This makes it so much easier to find that child faster then the past. This is a great way to raise awareness.

  8. Losing a child is a parents worst nightmare. Parents would do anything to keep their children. However, this product has a great purpose, i think it may ultimatly make parents lazier in regard to keepin track of their children

  9. It was such a great idea to come out with the Amber Alert. And now with the technology we have now, it makes it so much easier!!!

  10. I think the amber alert is great. I know when I get the texts I start looking for the license plate number if they say there is one. It's a great advancement in technology.

  11. With technology growing at such a rapid rate, the amber alert can only become more refined. Great ideas can only become greater.

  12. As a mother of 4, I feel that the amber alert is a very good thing. An amber alert came across once while I was watching tv. It definitely caught my attention

  13. Amber alerts seems to stop everyone from doing what they are doing and pay attention. Even if they dont have kids Amber alerts affect everyone in the family , not just the parents. The most effective part of the amber alert though is the picture so if they could text a picture of it to everyone it would be even more effective. Great Idea though!

  14. The Amber Alert has been an awesome tool in helping save kidnapped children. Most people dont know the whole story about where the name Amber came from though.
