Communication...past, present, & future

Monday, April 27, 2009


Consumers are usually fad driven. As for myself I am curious what will be the next wave after MySpace and Facebook. Well what about something a little for interactive? The Alcatel-Lucent Multi-screen Experience is revolutionary and keeps the essence of getting connected like Facebook on the same track. This Network allows users to come and go using any and all points of access usable. They call it My Network. Something to share with you family and friends. Check out their video HERE!


  1. This is cool. This sounds like an expanded DVR. I love the idea. Custom advertising is also cool and more effective at attracting the right people. This also allows sharing of videos. Though, I have to wonder if it can keep up the resolution, or if it drops due to the need for convenience. I know that multi-room DVR's on Verizon only allow standard-definition on any room but the main one.

  2. This is pretty interesting. This idea seems to be almost like a DVR but a little more technoligically advanced. Good stuff.

  3. i like the concept, just one question....i'm not the most technologicaly inclined would i end up turning it it abstract art when it hits the wall?
