Communication...past, present, & future

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Ventrilo is a program that allows users to connect to a server and speak with each other. Each server has a different layout. There can be public rooms that everyone can join, or password protected rooms so that only those who have access will be able to join. You can chat with one person, or an entire group of people. There are also text-to-speech options and text messaging options within ventrilo. If you are looking for fun, you can modify someone's voice settings so that when they talk they sound like a chipmunk or a demon! YOU CHOOSE!


  1. I used to use ventrilo all the time when playing counterstrike on the computer. It was a great tool to have.

  2. i never heard of this but it does sound great

  3. I have used ventrilo before. It definitely saves money on phone calls or text messages. The only problem is that the other person needs to have ventrilo too rather than just having a phone!

  4. This technology is probably great for those with physical disabilities. Because of my diminished mental abilities (joking) I love the idea of making my mother voice sound demonic…wait…I don’t need ventrilo for that.

  5. Ventillo is really cool i was introduced to it by my boyfriend. Its a shame more people dont know about it cause its a really cool program. It seems like people who play games know about it but thats about it.
