Communication...past, present, & future

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Google Documents

A few weeks ago we discussed Google Documents, and I think its a great way for people to communicate ideas. While it may not be direct verbal communication, it is still a collaboration of several parties, which in my eyes is communication. Similar services exist, and all of them have one thing in common: They allow users to communicate and share their ideas to collaborate and create a fine piece of work.


  1. i agree, google documents is a great way to find out what your reserching. the chances are that someone did the work for you a lot of the times. who can complane?

  2. I use google docs for all my school work. As soon as i complete and assignment, i upload it to docs to save it as a backup. This way, if I ever need it for any reason, I have access to it whenever I want.

  3. I agree that Google Documents is a much easier way to get things done with a group or something along those lines. It enables people to add or change things to documents. Great idea!

  4. I have yet to give google docs a try, but it is real simple to understand how it can help. It seems like something that could be real useful in the future.

  5. This is defintely a great way to collaborate using technology. No more cell phoens and emails., just google doc and your good to go. I have used it with a few friends and it is very different and useful but it takes some getting used to. EMail has been a known process and i believe we are so used to email and google doc wont catch on immediately but give it some time email will be a thing of the past!

  6. I havent given google docs a try yet, either. It seems like a good idea to use with school assignments or other group projects to get things done. I have to research it further and give it a try.

  7. This google document seems like a great idea. From the looks of it... it seems like it will be very useful in the future.
