Communication...past, present, & future

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Modern Internet

Many of the posts on this blog relate items such as email, ventrilo, AIM, office, etc... None of these are possible without the modern internet. The internet is what allows us to share our ideas instantly over great land distances. The posibilities using the internet are endless, and I feel that it is the most significant invention of the last 30 years, which is a big accomplishment considering how far we have come with technology in that time period.


  1. The internet is definitely one of if not the biggest inventions of the modern era. It can connect so many different countries and cultures that it cant be compared. Everyone I know has used the internet at least once and soon enough everyone in the entire world will have access to it.

  2. The invention of the internet is I believe the greatest invention or our time if not ever. You can do so many things with the internet and to list them all I would be here a long time. There is not age requirment or age limit on the interent which makes sharing information fun. We use the internet for work, school, and down time and can waste many hours on the great tool.
