Communication...past, present, & future

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


One of the greatest tools to this day that not many people know about. mIRC is a program that connects users to servers that have information, files for download, and other users to chat with. The features of mIRC are amazing, and the posibilities excede what you can do with AIM, Ventrilo, or many other communication programs, but it is very difficult to use. Because of its difficult to use and understand, it has stayed away from the mainstream, and is more widely known amongst computer geeks (such as myself) and gamers (oh why did I fit both categories). If you ever have time, check out mIRC!


  1. I used to use mIRC all the time. I personally loved it. I know some people don't like it much because they don't understand some of the commands, but once you get past that, it's such a powerful platform.

    /me waves Bye
    /quit going to comment on other blogs. ;)

  2. I used to use mIRC a few years ago because alot of other people that I knew used it, so it was the easiest way to talk to people. It is a program in which people should try out to see if they like it or not!

  3. The program may be powerful, but it may not last due to low usage. The creators should try to make the program more user friendly, that way it will gain more notoriety and of course the extra dollars will not be hard to handle either.

  4. mIRC seems difficult to use (to me). However, it is probably because it is unfamiliar and I dont have the patience to try and figure everything out. This is probably why it is unknown, not many people give it a chance because of lack of patience.
