Communication...past, present, & future

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cell Phones of the Future!

Here is a link to Business Week with several different articles on several different type of phones that will be coming out in the near future. The designs are so unique and they are making them useful for almost every need!


  1. These phones are interesting. The Piece Unique, the diamonds with the "secret compartment" was interesting. First of all, how many people drop their phones, diamonds would be lost. Second, it's not a "secret compartment" when everyone knows about it. Why would people need to look in the secret compartment when they have the diamonds all over the phone itself? The other phone I didn't like was the Readius. Why do you need to watch movies while you are out of the house? The point of getting out of the house is to do things other than watch television and play video games. I did like the Onyx. I like the style and think it's cool the way it can recognize signs and gestures.

  2. This is a neat idea. I like the way the creators combine art, social needs and science to develop their product. The art piece of the phone is the various colors and shapes it can be formed into. The simplicity of the phone and the multi functions it has give this phone the social and science enhancements it needs to be successful.

  3. These are pretty cool. You can pretty much do anything on a phone these days. They all seem pretty cool but a diamond phone for 2 million dollars thats a little much..

  4. These phones are really interesting. The diamond one is really nice, but I can’t even imagine how much money that would cost. Plus I drop my phone way too much to have diamonds on it. I also think the phone that can change into an alarm clock or watch is pretty neat. Some of the ideas are a little extreme, but it’s amazing what they can come up with. These phones do hit all three components that we talked about in class, the artistic design of the phones, trying to meet the needs of the society, and the science part of designing them.

  5. I have to admit, while the features on these phones are pretty amazing and their capabilities are too, the look of them is pretty ugly. I dont think I would want to buy any of them. The one with the sensors, how do you text with that? And the phone that folds like an easel, why would you want to buy a keyboard attachment and make it bulkier?

  6. The Onyx is really cool. Sleek and streamline. I can see that coming within the next five years. The old rotary phone is a dumb idea only because it's really a novelty item that will be bought by a very small amount of people.

  7. wow some of these phones were ridiculous. The first one with all the dmonds was crazy and way too much. I do like the idea of more creative looking cell phones ones with more design or art to them but that was crazy. The phone that recognized the gesture of answering the phone was neat.
