Communication...past, present, & future

Monday, March 30, 2009

Computer of the near future!!

This is incredible. The video explains it all!


  1. I can’t say I dint see this coming. But I don’t see it being in offices and cubicles, it’s just not that practical.

  2. This is such a neat concept. I liked the puzzle moving in the picture while trying to put it together. I really liked the pictures. It is amazing what technology has brought us. I liked the idea of using it in restaurants, it is great to keep the kids occupied if you have a long wait.

    There is a down fall, how much can the screen endure. Are people setting their drinks on it. Will it break easily because of the fact that people may use it as a coffee table? Still, I really liked it.

  3. I liked the simplistic use of the touch screen computer/entertainment system. The appearance of being a coffee table allows it to blend esthetically into a living or sitting room and not appear like a computer. A living room setting would also encourage usage because of its convenience. Other conveniences are the instant hardware and application recognition. Although the restaurant idea is interesting and convenient I think that buying movie tickets, food shopping and perhaps even pharmaceuticals attainment, are especially good for individuals who cannot physically go to the store due to a disability.
    Of course, like all systems, there are problem areas and the touch screen is no exception. The unit must be robust and be able to hold up to: people putting their feet on it like a hassock, don’t laugh it will happen, how about spills from drinks or crumbs from food, and lastly will the screen wear, in constantly touch areas. Additionally, there are two possible social drawbacks, with a centrally located computing system. First is isolation from the outside world and second alienation from other family members.
    Overall, I think this is a great idea. The many good values it has outweigh the bad, which can be controlled. Once the price comes down they will probably become as common as the television.

  4. I think this will be awesome.. I like the concept that its like on a table.. The way you can order food and place your credit card right onto the screen is really cool. I would love to have this!

  5. It looks cool, but it's also enormous! People in today's times like things they can use on the go. I think a new laptop or something to that effect would sell better.

  6. I think this will be the lastest thing to have. However, I am concerned with the fraud that will occur due to people paying their bills with credit cards at the table.

  7. This looks pretty awesome, and more than likely I would have to have one. However, I agree with Kristin on the size. It is pretty large considering that everyone wants something so tiny now. Im sure that there is a laptop sized one in the process also.

  8. Very cool, however, seeing them hunched over that looks a little uncomfortable and bad for the back if you use it like a coffee table. I still like the idea of a keyboard though. The touch-screen keyboards are annoying and get worn out too easily.

  9. This is awesome. I cant wait for this to be real. I hope its sucessful. Its pretty big but i dont care. i would want something like this to be a larger size.

    I realley like the moving puzzles that would be awesome.

  10. no way would i like this, i saw a demonstration of it on tv . It was at the the swearing in of President Obama. Homeland security uses this technology on a very different way than what we would be able to use it for. They can see whats going on in other countries( yes thats a good thing for the most part)but they can use it here too. Big brother is already in our private lives too much already.

  11. Microsoft Surface has much potential, though from what I have read about it recenlty, it is NOT living up to it. Supposedly, the interactivity is sluggish and not as responsive as other gesture based devices like the iPhone. Furthermore, this device boasts the ability do to away with the keyboard and mouse, though it comes with them in order for the user to set it up. When you factor in the cost, which is around $10,000, this device in its current stage is nothing more than a novelty device.
