From a far away place loved one seem as if they are down the hall. Going to school abroad? Web cams allow users to contact anyone just about anywhere through an Internet connection. This form of communication is one of the most popular forms to date for those long lost relatives or just a friend in the next state.
These are fun to use. the only problem is that if you don't have a high speed connection it's really slow and sometimes it just jumps frame to frame because it can't load itself properly. Internet 2 helps with that.
ReplyDeleteYeah I got a webcam with my first computer and it was so slow and jumpy. The pictures were also really dark and pixely. That was like 6 years ago and I am sure there are way better quaility ones now. They are probably great for people who have long distance relationships!
ReplyDeleteThese are really cute and colorful. They look like people without arms. But it is true that if you don't have a high speed connection they work very slow. It is a great way for people that live far apart from each other to see what have changed or what they look like as time goes by. Grandparents can see their grandkids and see how much they have grown or military personal can see their family.
ReplyDeleteIve had web cams over the years and yea i agree mine were always jumpy. In middle school they were fun to use with aim with your friends, but i dont really find a need for them any more. I can definatley see how alot of people would like web cams though. People who are away at school or people who travel alot im sure could get good use out of them.
ReplyDeleteI never really use web cams, but I think they are great for long distance relationships or distant friends/families. They help bring people together, which, I feel, is the best thing about the Internet. When unable to talk to someone face to face, a web cam is the next best thing.
ReplyDeleteI got a web cam a few years ago so that my parents and I could see my niece and nephew. My brother and sister-in-law live about 2 hours away so we don’t get to see them as much as we would like to especially with gas prices. So we use the web cam and it’s great. I mean yea it’s not the best picture and there is a little delay, but it still serves the purpose. I just got a new computer and it has a web cam in it. It’s a lot better than the last one I had. Technology has come a long way. I remember talking to my brother when he went away to school when the microphone first came out and we can actually see each other.