This technology is most definitely borrowed from the past, but ingeniously placed into a network of users. Push to talk seems to be nothing other than a glorified walkie-talkie but it has put Nextel (bought out by Sprint) on the map as one of the four runners in cell phone technology, allowing the user to contact groups almost instantaneously.
This is the most annyoing piece of technology known to man. If they got riud of the loud chirp it would be cool, i wouldn't have a prblem wih it. But you walk in the mall and 5 people of nextels all your hear is chirping and it's...annoying to say the least.
ReplyDeleteIt is annoying I agree with Kyle about that, but they are very convinent when you dont want to have a long conversation with somebody. When you are walky talkking it is easy to end the conversation quickly.
ReplyDeleteI have never been a fan of nextels! They are so annoying! Not to be really ignorant but it seems like most people who have nextels are the ones who want to be known that they are on the phone. This could be a HUGE sterotype but I really believe it's true! It's good for people using them for work but i mean it only takes a second to pick up the phone and have a conversation! People will have conversations on their nextels with the entire foodcourt hearing what they are talking about! duh!
ReplyDeleteThis device really works in big companies that need to communicate fast. For example when I worked for Waste Management all the guys in the site needed to carry their nextel. In case of any emergency it is a good way to contact any employee imediately. Or if the employee was in the warehouse and another employee in the site and that employee in the site needed something from the warehouse this was one way to get what ever needed from the warehouse. With the nextel I was able to contact anyone in the site or planat without using the companies intercom.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with Kyle here, too. They are annoying, but still convenient. My father drives a tow truck and carries his nextel everywhere. At times, it's quicker for him than taking a phone call on the road. However, I do hate when he leaves it behind in our office!