The first text message was sent by a Motorola beeper in 1989 using numbers to spell out words upside down. The first SMS message was claimed to be sent by a Nokia worker in 1993.
Text messaging has become a very popular way of communicating in recent years. They have cell phones plans that no accomdate unlimited text messaging because of how popular it has become. Some people question texting as aposed to just picking up the phone and talkng to someone. In reality, text messaging is quick and simple and can be cheaper than calling if you pay for unlimited messaging.
I agree. With my particular phone, I often use less minutes when I text message. I have a prepaid phone (Tracfone),so for me this is a great tool.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. I had to laugh was i saw this post because I was reading that book we are supposed to be reading and it said that the keyboards are called QWERTY keyboards because the first 6 letters on the top row of the keyboard are Q W E R T Y. Many probably already know this but it amazed me because I never knew why my phone told me to open my QWERTY keyboard in order to text. Learn something new every day.
ReplyDeleteTexting can be a form of shorthand, depending on how you type. It is great for one-way communication. For two-way, actually talking on the phone is better. There is a debate and a small group of followers that want us to change how we spell words. They want us to spell phonetically. Fortunately, this will never catch on.
ReplyDeleteI love texting i hate talking on the phone. I find texting a much better form of comunication if you have to tell someone something quick. I do preffer using the phone if i have something mre detailed to talk about but texting makes thigs alot easier. Thank you texting.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing against texting, it definitely does have its uses, but I do think it is becoming a bit of a problem. Some people are just too attached to their cell phones, texting all day. I remember a girl in high school got her phone taken away because she would text all class and she flipped out as if someone was taking away her child. It is getting a bit out of hand; texting is becoming just another part of our "get it now" society. Too many teenagers rely on text messaging and instant messaging as their main form of social interaction and do not learn how to communicate properly. It drives me crazy when someone writes something in text messaging short hand. And we have all heard stories of young kids driving up an $1,000 + text messaging bill. That, to me, is a bad obsession.
ReplyDeleteTexting is becoming more common than talking. Many a time have i decided to text someone instead of calling just for the simple fact i didnt feel like talking long or having an agrument. Other times texting is the best way if your at work or for some people church you can speak to someone and not use your voice.
ReplyDeleteTexting is the way of life now days. I'm looking around the library right now, and have counted atleast 5 people texting on there phone and I bet there are more. I think that texting is a great technology, but can be anoying at times. Don't get me wrong I probably text someone atleast once a day, but some people are just down right crazy with it. And your so right about it being cheaper than actually calling someone (If you have an unlimited plan).
ReplyDeleteText messaging is great!!!!!! It's the quickest way to tell someone something without wasting your minutes on your cell phone. It does get annoying though when you are having a conversation with someone and they pick up their phone and start texting away totally clueless as to what you are saying to them.
ReplyDeleteI think text messaging is a great way to communicate to someone. I know most of the time for me texting is easier than calling someone because I’m not a phone person and I don’t always say what I want to say. With texting you can think about what you want to say before saying it and you can make sure you say everything you need to say. I do feel some conversations are better to do by actually talking to the person. Sometimes things are taken the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteText messaging is a great way to communicate with someone when you can't talk on the phone. You can text wherever you are. There is nothing more annoying than sitting on a quiet train when there is someone talking loudly on a phone. When you text, you don't have to worry about that loud mouth interrupting your quiet ride. Texting is great and i only see it evolving into something more incredible.