Communication...past, present, & future

Monday, March 23, 2009


Blogging is a great form of communication. Whether it be used as a personal journal or a way of keeping friends and family updated on whats going on in your life.
There are also video blogs for people who do not like to type.

This is just a typical example of a video blog.(Don't worry! It's not about how technology sucks!)


  1. Agreed about blogging being a good form of communication. I know I definitely used it for that in our present blog section...See our team blog.

  2. Im not sure what i just watched lol. It was kind of amusing though. Technology has brought on alot of bloging though i guess that shows proof of just how pointless a persons blog can be.

  3. well i agree the technology for posting on bloggs ....i must be the poster child for that. i have so much trouble being able to post.

  4. OMG this was too funny..I have no idea what I was watching but I will have to watch it again later. LOL
