The next time you visit your local book store, stop for a second and stand in awe at the availability of information in the printed form and thank Johannes Gutenberg.
In 1440 his invention of replaceable/movable type known as the printing press helped to revolutionize the world by making books widely available. Before that time, books were hard to come by, took years to be written by hand, and usually were only kept by the wealthy and educated.
The printing press was a technology that helped advance knowlege in the sciences, religion, and art.
I think i took for granted the printing press. I never really thought of the fact that before the printing press they had to hand write books. I think this was a great invention for the sake of book writers. People today probably wouldn't bother writing a book if it weren't for the printing press. Society is always on the go and wants things now that one wouldn't find the time to sit and handwrite the book.
ReplyDeleteThe printing press is definatly what i would consider the most important technological advancement in communication. Befor the printing press most people couldn't read. these people were lacking in the fundamentals of the tranfer of ideas, and thats what books are all about. With the ease of getting books more people learned to read and the society/world got smarter as a whole.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the printing press is one of the most important technology and exspecially for communication. The invention of the printing press not only gave thousands of people jobs but it taught many people how to read. I bet very few people go into a bookstore and thinks about how that book was made.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post considering nearly every group cited the printing press as the greatest invention on the first day of class. I feel like the pringing press was the internet of its day. Broadly expanding the a mount of information distributed. Also it greatly increased literacy rate throughout the world.
ReplyDeleteThink of the world without the printing press. So many things such as books wouldn't be available to us if it were'nt for the printing press. Without the printing press our world would have never evolved into the society that it is today.
ReplyDeleteThe printing press, in my opinion, is the single most important invention of our current society. The nature of the printing press brought about a cultural shift from a tribal society (we used to tell stories through speech, an emotionally laden medium!) towards a linear, more detached, perspective and experience. The eye became the dominant organ for perception, as opposed to the ear.
ReplyDeleteThe invention of the printing press is one of the most important inventions to our society. This invention really enhanced our communication with one another. It also paved the way for every printing system out there today. I don’t think that you can go anywhere without seeing something that has been printed somehow or way.