Communication...past, present, & future

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Past communication: Smoke signals

Smoke signals is one of the oldest forms of communication, and is a form of visual communication used over a long distance.

On an elevation the signaler built a fire of material that would make heavy smoke, such as damp grass. By passing a blanket across the fire, he created separate puffs of smoke that conveyed information by their number and spacing

Around 150 BC, another system was created, it was a more complex system of alphabetical smoke signals. By converting greek alphabetic characters into numeric characters, it was devised to enable messages to be easily signaled by holding sets of torches in pairs


  1. Yes, if your ever trapped or your plane crashes in the middle of the wilderness, smoke signals are the way to go. I never know that they interrupt the sginals, so i thought that was interesting. i know that they could put different types of branches and grass to effect the smoke?

  2. Interesting how smoke signals started as a form of communication over distance. Also how in the past they were able to use smoke to send alphabetical messages. Smoke signals survied and are still used today. More often than not without the alphabetic messaging but as a way of being seen in the wildnerness. After all when your in a survival situation you have to rely on primitive technology.

  3. Yeah, on those wilderness shows such as Man Vs. Wild or Suvrivorman, they often use smoke signals as a means to attract attention in hopes of being rescued. And, Kyle, I think they put branches, grass, and leaves on the fire that are either damp or hold water very well. When adding a little water to a fire, it creates a lot of smoke.

  4. Smoke signals are a timeless form of communication. Not much has changed on how it works since it doesn't involve much technology. You need to make a fire and create along of smoke since it is just visual communication. You often see this in shows and movies were someone is stranded and thats the only way they can send a signal. What interests me about this is that you use no form of technology, just natural man made items and you are about to send a signal hundreds of feet in the air.
