Communication...past, present, & future

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sign Language

Helen Keller was a remarkable woman. She is the first person that comes to mind when sign language is mention. Most people thought it was only a form a communitcation for those who could see, but Anne Sullivan believed that she could teach it to her and communicate with her.

I found this neat website that gives you ton's of information on all of the different types of sign language.


  1. Helen Keller must have been a remarkable woman to be able to learn to communicate without the use of sight, hearing and speech. I can't even begin to imagine the patience that it must have taken for Anne Sullivan to teach her the things that she did.

  2. Sign language, and brail are both amazing contributions to the world. It is definatly remarkable that Helen Keller was able to learn both without sight or hearing. I cant even imagine not having all of my senses and needing to communicate only with sign language or haveing to read with brail. I have all of my senses but I am truly greatful for the creation of sign language and brail, before these systems were created Helen keller and other individuals like her would have never had the chance to experience things brail and sign language allow them to.

  3. how she was able to learn without hearing and seeing is astounding. Brail and sign language has come a long way to. There are two different typs of sign language too, American and British from what I heard. I wonder though before sign language or brail what was there before hand to communicate with death and/or blind people?

  4. This is indeed a great way of communication. Helen Keller was a remarkable woman. She over came the communication barrier with the help of Anne Sullivan. Helen was like an animal when Anne met her. No one thought that Helen would ever be able to communicate with people. With the determination of Anne, Helen calmed down and started to communicate with the use of sign language. Helen was able to go to college and this would not have happened if it were not for sign language. Sign language and the success story of Helen Keller have made it possible for all hearing impaired and blind people to communicate. Great video.

  5. Remarkable is an understatement. It's amazing how the brain is capable of adapting to extreme circumstances such as hers. I would like to know more about how she able to learn without sight or hearing. Anne Sullivan must have been an extremely patient woman. In the future, I think it's very possible being blind will be overcome by science. I was watching a program on the Science Channel that showed scientists working on developing sight without the eyes. It was very complicated, but the jist of it was being able to use the part of the brain that allows us to see during dreams - to transmit sight through a device without our eyes.

  6. This is really amazing how a person like Helen can communicate without being able to see or hear. Sign language is very important. It would be interesting to see what science will come up with to help the blind and the deaf. To find a better way for the blind and deaf to communicate especially with people that does not know the sign language. At the moment thanks for people like Anne the blind and deaf are able to communicate through sign language.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Helen Keller is a true American hero for she helped to advance the use of sign language and baille. It is a great fear of mine to lose my sight and hearing, that is why I took a sign languages class this last semester so I could learn basic signing to help the kids that I watch learn so basic words. Helen is an amazing person that I would love to have learned from and spoke with.

  9. Its pretty amazing to see a person communicate without the ability to speak, see, or hear. It must have taking a great amount of patience on Anne Sullivan's part. I couldn't even imagine trying to communicate with out one of these components let alone all three of them!

  10. Helen Keller was an extraordinary women. The obstacles she has overcome are truly remarkable. It should be required by schools to teach the basics of sign language. Helen Keller is a hero, one that will never be forgotten. How quickly the rest of us take for granted our vision and hearing.

  11. Helen Keller is very smart. I do believe hearing somewhere that if you loose one of your senses another one gets better, in this case the woman doesn’t have two of the most critical senses that is why she can sense by smell I guess, that someone is in the room. And as a boy I do remember my grandmother having a book that she was reading with the bumps in the paper. Amazing stuff.

  12. hellen keller
    was proof that you can do anything that you want no matter who much people tell that you can't.
    part of why i'm here just to prove that i can

  13. Hellen Keller truely was a remarkable women. To be so completely lost in this world. Anne had to have a TON of patients. Hellen is a person that when you hear someone say "i can't" hellen keller, can!

  14. I was once told that some deaf people are against deaf children getting hearing aids to help them pick up some sounds. It was explained to me that some deaf people believe to use hear aids is controversial and that there is nothing wrong with them. I hope there is a day when sign language will no longer be needed. I hope that one day with advances in technology we will be able to correct this problem. I realize that as it stands now, hearing aids are not a fix all but hopefully they will be one day.

  15. Hellen Keller was an amazing women. I can't even imagine being blind and deaf. I find it amazing that she communicated by hand-speaking. Its remarkable how someone can still communicate with seeing, hearing, or even being able to speak. Technology for the deaf and the blind has evolved so much.
