Communication...past, present, & future

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fiber Optics

The background behind Fiber Optics dates back to 1854 when John Tyndall proved that light signals could be conducted. Then Alexander Grand Bell created the first “wireless phone” by transmitting voice through reflected light in 1880. Soon after, William Wheeler created the light pipe with reflective coatings to light homes from a central location. The progress goes on with new development that eventually arrived to Optical Fiber.

For more information about this invention and its development visit:


  1. One of my child-hood memories was going to Disney World and getting the glow sticks as well as those fiber-optic light sticks that change color. Everytime I see them it reminds me of Disney World.

    Bell created a wireless phone? That's pretty cool.

  2. It's amazing how advanced these men where, they were truely ahead of their time.

  3. I also remeber going to Disney and getting the fiber-optic light sticks taht changed colors. They were awesome!

  4. when i was younger all fiber optics ment too me were just some pretty light.
    now there everywhere and being used for everything

  5. That post from "gaines" was from me. i was signed into a different email. sorry.
